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Why Misfit Wedding?
Looking for something a bit different for your wedding? You've come to the right place!
We're here to help you find all the things you need to make your wedding a breath of fresh air compared to all those bland, nice-but-no-thanks weddings you've been dragged to.
We're still new on the scene, but we're constantly adding to the site and before long we should be the all-singing, all-dancing number one resource for alternative weddings.
An alternative wedding doesn't have to have Darth Vader on the guest list or a gaggle of gregarious goths gathered round the groom; it just has to reflect the personality of the two most important people there. The bride and groom. Or bride and bride... or the two grooms... or the eightee...ENOUGH! The point is you can celebrate your wedding day however the hell you like!
Browsing around this website you will find that Gothic, Rockabilly, Rustic, Vintage, Gamer & Geek, Steampunk, Fairytale & Fantasy and other misfit themes are what we're interested in. Hopefully we can present you with some cool ideas for your big day!
We're always on the look out for new, unusual things to add to the site, so feel free to get in touch any time.